Jewcy Newshound

The Jewcy Newshound provides links to articles of interest, twice daily. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon.

42 Articles Published | Follow:
Morning News Roundup

Frozen Shelter from the Storm President Bush and Treasury Secretary Pauslon have unveiled a strategy…

Tuesday News Round-up

Bush Expected to scold Congress George Bush is having another press conference where it is…

Monday Morning Round-up

Chavez Loses Constitutional Vote   In a stunning rebuke, the wannabe strongman is denied an…

Afternoon News Round-up

Castro Says He Warned Chavez About US Castro, the survivor of many C.I.A attempts, warns…

Morning News Round-up

Bloomberg and Obama? Mayor Bloomberg had breakfast with Democrat candidate Barak Obama, causing many in…

News Roundup

Prince of the Citi Abu Dhabi’s bailout of Citi is sinking-in and some critics are…

Morning News Roundup

Republicans Debate in Florida The Republican candidates for President subjected themselves to a withering barrage…

Afternoon News Roundup

When Fatah were the bad guys: too… much… irony…. head…. exploding…. Saudis arrest 200 terror…