Lily Koppel

Lily Koppel writes for The New York Times among other publications. A graduate of Barnard with a degree in English and creative writing, she studied at Oxford and in Paris. Originally from Hyde Park, the neighborhood in Chicago Obama and his family called home, she lives in New York City.

5 Articles Published | Follow:
My Book As a Movie

"Who’s going to play you in the movie?" Yesterday, I wrote about The Red Leather…

The Movie in My Mind

"Who’s going to play you in the movie?" From hidden in a teenage diary with…

How I Slipped into a Depression-Era Young Woman’s World

Paging through the original red leather diary for the first time gave me goosebumps. Little flakes of…

Discovering My Bubbe: When Grandma Was a “Wild Young Thing”

Yesterday I posted about how when I left my apartment one morning and encountered a…

Secrets of a Depression-Era Diary

Lily Koppel, author of The Red Leather Diary: Reclaiming a Life Through the Pages of…