Ben Cohen is the Associate Communications Director of AJC and the editor of Z Word.
In his latest interview with Der Spiegel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is by turns ingratiating ("By the…
Last Saturday morning, I switched on Fox Soccer Channel for the first of a series…
A quick plug for a new essay on Z Word, the website which I edit.…
Declaring in the LA Times that “the problem is Zionism,” novelist Ben Ehrenreich opens his…
Here’s a plug and a link for Vilified: Telling Lies About Israel, a new film…
In recent weeks, the courageous Nicholas Kristof, accompanied by George Clooney, has been revisiting the…
Yet more evidence of the overlap, when it comes to Israel, between the unreconstructed left…
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been a silent party to one of the…