Jeffrey Goldberg

Jeffrey Goldberg is co-founder of

20 Articles Published | Follow:
The Philo-Semite Twenty-Five

I know, I promised fifty, but this is hard. The list might very well grow…

George Tenet, Drunk in Bandar’s Pool, Screaming about Jews

I just picked up Patrick Tyler’s forthcoming book, A World of Trouble, about America’s tortured…

A Pogrom in Hebron

A hero of mine is the Ha’aretz reporter Avi Issacharoff, who, with other journalists, stopped…

The Philo-Semite 50: Cyrus, Maurice Blanchot and Madonna?

The nominations for the Philo-Semite 50 keep pouring over the transom, and the Sanhedrin is…

Spare a Thought for Chabad

I’m not the greatest fan of Chabad in the world, in particular its Christological, maybe-the-Rebbe’s-not-dead…

Malcolm Gladwell’s Top 50 Philo-Semites

So, as you have undoubtedly heard, the Forward has chosen me as one of its…

Daniel Levy On Obama, Netanyahu and the Settlements

Daniel Levy, the director of the Middle East Initiative at the New America Foundation (which…

Rahm Emanuel and Israel

The news that Rahm Emanuel has accepted Barack Obama’s request to be his chief of…