Jewcy Staff

1204 Articles Published | Follow:
Daily Jewce: Sacha Baron Cohen Banned from Oscars, Ronan Farrow in Tel Aviv, and more

In the news today: Sacha Baron Cohen gets banned, Woody’s handsome son is in Tel Aviv, Stanley Kubrick was fiscally responsible, and more.

Daily Jewce: Haredi Soldiers, Judy Blume’s Oscar Picks, Jewish Bodies Of Water, And More

In the news today: Judy Blume talks movies, a Jew pond, Haredi Jews in the army, Maryland Jews cool with gay marriage, and more.

Daily Jewce: Jewish Nina Simone, Israeli Granola, Hunger Strikes Ending, Shabbat Busses, And More

In the news today: A hunger strike ends, a soul legend’s Jewish connection, granola from Israel, busses on Shabbat, and much more.

Daily Jewce: Hitler’s Kid, Good Book Covers, Anthony Shadid, Jews On Whitney, And More

In the news today: One of our favorite authors shows us her new cover, Hitler may have had a kid, tributes to Anthony Shadid, and much more.

Daily Jewce: Gal Beckerman’s Success, Jerusalem Tweets, Israeli Writers On Facebook, Beinart, And More

In the news today: An Israeli writer gets published on Facebook, why not to mess with Michael Chabon, NYT Jerusalem writer told to stop tweeting, and much more.

Daily Jewce: Schindler’s Shower Scene, Jewish Amsterdam, Beckerman Wins, Hasidic Mother-In-Laws, And More

In the news today: getting naked for Speilberg’s Schindler, Jewish Amsterdam, Gal Beckerman wins huge, and much more.

Daily Jewce: Blaming Iran, Digital Sabbaths, Including Everybody, Jewish Potheads, And More

In the news today: Israel blames Iran, Lynn Schusterman on creating a culture of Jewish inclusivity, The Jewish pothead version of Matt McConaughey, and more

Daily Jewce: Marines Nazi Flag, Vintage Chic Hasids, Stealing Dead Jews, Western Wall On Ebay, And More

In the news today: America military using a Nazi flag, helping Hasids look trendy, stealing dead Haredi Jews, breaking off sister cityhood, and much more.