Jo Ellen Green Kaiser

Jo Ellen Green Kaiser is the Editor-in-chief of Zeek magazine, available at and also at .She is the co-editor of Righteous Indignation: A Jewish Call for Justice ( and the mom of Zoe.

57 Articles Published | Follow:
Borges and the Jews-Part III

In Part I of this series, author Ilan Stavans explored Borges’ self-identification as a Jew.…

The Neglected Poetry of Yossel Birstein

This summer, Zeek has been re-examining the work of Yiddish writer Yossel Birstein. Our summer…

Queer Liturgy

Why do we pray? What do we pray for? Liturgy raises the most fundamental theological…

Seir Cafe

1. Jake I look up again at the sign, and it seems this must be…

Borges and the Jews-Part II

In Part I of this series, author Ilan Stavans explored Borges’ self-identification as a Jew.…

Meditations on Nomadology

Meditations on Nomadology "Then later, people would ask me ‘Who are you? Where do you…

Borges and the Jews

If I am not one of Thy repetitions or errata…-J.L.B., “The Secret Miracle” Throughout his…

Jews in the World at the End of Philo-Semitism

The half century after World War II was a period of unusual, perhaps unique international…