A writer living in southern Connecticut, Stefan Beck has written for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Sun, The Weekly Standard, The New Criterion, and other publications. He also writes a food blog, The Poor Mouth.
Several days ago I came across this post on the Economist’s “Certain ideas of Europe”…
It’s always struck me as odd that even history’s most odious mass-murdering dictators now and…
Via Ross Douthat: Leave it to the Derb to go, uh, sort of overboard and…
Oprah's inexplicable leap from The Secret to Cormac McCarthy's The Road has got this writer…
The Washington Post is correct to say that "Ms. Pelosi's attempt to establish a shadow…
On Chesil Beach, Ian McEwan's new short book about one couple's wedding night, is getting…
Reading about the EU's proposed "non-emotive lexicon for discussing radicalisation"—that is, "list of weasel words…
Speaking of crime fiction, it seems that it's best when it doesn't imitate crime fact.…