If you ask Greg Reitman how his life is going, he will probably point you towards his website 30 Second Life.
You probably saw Rachel sing about how she’d like to screw one of the greatest sci-fi writers ever.
Musician and author of “You Must go and Win” gives us a list of her favorite sad Jews.
Ten reasons we love Andy Cohen. There are probably about fifty more, but let’s start with these ten.
Gil realizes the true meaning of being a Big Jewcy.
You think your video will go viral? Ask Neetzan of The Daily What. He’s the best judge of these things.
You know Simmy Kay. He hangs out with m&ms, he’s a sausage craving cloud, and he’s one of the funniest guys you will ever meet.
Dan Naturman is, by most standards, a successful standup comedian. Now he’s trying to conquer France.