The Big Jewcy: Greg Reitman – His Life In 30 Seconds

If you ask Greg Reitman how his life is going, he will probably point you towards his website 30 Second Life.

The Big Jewcy: Rachel Bloom – Ray Bradbury’s #1 Fan/Viral As F*ck

You probably saw Rachel sing about how she’d like to screw one of the greatest sci-fi writers ever.

The Big Jewcy: Alina Simone – Rocker And Writer

Musician and author of “You Must go and Win” gives us a list of her favorite sad Jews.

The Big Jewcy: Andy Cohen – Mazel Maker/Tastemaker

Ten reasons we love Andy Cohen. There are probably about fifty more, but let’s start with these ten.

The Big Jewcy: Gil Ozeri – Comedian And Writer

Gil realizes the true meaning of being a Big Jewcy.

The Big Jewcy: Neetzan Zimmerman – Meme Machine At The Daily What

You think your video will go viral? Ask Neetzan of The Daily What. He’s the best judge of these things.

The Big Jewcy: Simmy Kay – Jimmy Dean Cloud, Guy Who Hangs With Candy, MTV Producer, TV Jack Of All Trades

You know Simmy Kay. He hangs out with m&ms, he’s a sausage craving cloud, and he’s one of the funniest guys you will ever meet.

The Big Jewcy: Dan Naturman – Stand-Up Comedian

Dan Naturman is, by most standards, a successful standup comedian. Now he’s trying to conquer France.