Jewcy Zeitgeist: Auto Bailout is “Ass-Backwards,” Obama Inadvertently Incriminated Blagojevich, and Recession As Birth Control

Here are today’s top news stories in no particular order: The auto bailout deal has…

The Recession Made Me an Optimist

I am not the sunniest person I know. Not even close. But neither am I…

From Novelist to Expert

Some years ago, I wrote a book called Chang & Eng about the famous "Siamese" twins. This month,…

Long Island: Suburb Par Excellence

I returned to my homeland today, to the historical enclave of Jews which, for generations,…

Publishing 2.0

This past Sunday I went to a book party for a friend’s memoir about love…

Jewcy Zeitgeist: Illinois Gov. Arrested For Trying To Sell Obama’s Senate Seat, A Day Without Gays and Fran Drescher for Senate

Here are the day’s top stories in no particular order: The day of the invisible…

Has Anyone Noticed How Much ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Sucks?

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ has always been a little bit cheesy, but in that delightful way. The…

Jewcy Zeitgeist: 9/11 Masterminds Ask To Confess, F-18 Jet Crashes and Drunk Driver Kills While Climaxing

Masterminds behind 9/11 attacks are ready to confess at Guantanamo Bay. Over the weekend SNL…