The Red Tent, Part 2: There Will Be Blood (And Feminism, Sort Of)

This is one Bible story that passes the Bechdel test.

The Red Tent, Part 1: Embrace the Melodrama

Best taken with a grain—or even a pillar—of salt

Gird Your Loins: “The Red Tent” Premieres December 7!

“Genre: drama, tear jerker”

Happy Birthday, Ben Stiller!

Remember that time he played a rabbi in ‘Keeping the Faith’?

Read ‘One Gram Short,’ a New Story by Etgar Keret

“It’s not for the high. It’s for a girl. Someone special I want to impress.”

Where Does the “Jewish Nose” Come From?

In ‘The New York Review of Books,’ historian Sara Lipton explains the origins of the caricature.

How Does it Feel to Play a Terrorist in “The Death of Klinghoffer”?

Jewish dancer Jesse Kovarsky knows.