Daily Jewce: Sendak’s Dark Side, Becoming Gary Shteyngart, and more

In the news today: polarizing polo shirts, Eytan the chameleon, messages from James Deen, and more

The Growing Anti-Semitic Elmo Crisis

A man has been showing up in Central Park in an Elmo suit and spewing anti-Semitic invective. What does he want?

Daily Jewce: Kosher Food is the New Atkins Diet, Youk Traded, and more

In the news today: The many faces of Woody Allen, levitating in Brooklyn, Bar Refaeli hates hair gel, and more

Daily Jewce: Kosher Law, Joan Rivers, Shoshanna, and More

In the news today: the consequences of Kosher, Lipa Schmeltzer’s uncanny valley, Joan Rivers quits Botox, and more

Daily Jewce: Bar Refaeli, 50 Shades of Grey, Woody Allen, and More

In the news today: Bar Refaeli loves 50 Shades of Grey, Woody Allen’s New Movie, and More

Daily Jewce: Lena Dunham, A Kosher Scandal, Drake’s New Video, and More

In the news today: a kosher hot dog scandal, an Israeli company cashes out, “True Blood” goes Jewish, and more

Daily Jewce: JAPs, Alice Walker’s Boycott, Drake, and More

In the news today: The evolution of the JAP, Drake’s next album, a precocious Israeli in the New Yorker, and more

Daily Jewce: Ike Davis’ Dating Life, Peres ♥ Reagan, Adam Sandler, and More

In the news today: Mets first baseman Ike Davis shuns JDate, Peres ♥ Reagan, Adam Sandler’s long decline continues, and more