Daily Jewce: Jewish Nina Simone, Israeli Granola, Hunger Strikes Ending, Shabbat Busses, And More

In the news today: A hunger strike ends, a soul legend’s Jewish connection, granola from Israel, busses on Shabbat, and much more.

The Weekly Yiderati

From Jews getting literary about Jeremy Lin to more thoughts on Hasidic memoirs.

Daily Jewce: Hitler’s Kid, Good Book Covers, Anthony Shadid, Jews On Whitney, And More

In the news today: One of our favorite authors shows us her new cover, Hitler may have had a kid, tributes to Anthony Shadid, and much more.

Making Sense Of Deborah Feldman And Post-Hasidim Memoirs

If you don’t know Deborah Feldman yet, you will soon.

Judy Blume’s Holocaust Fiction

Judy Blume’s 35-year-old classic Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself avoids the main problem of Holocaust fiction: sanctification.

Daily Jewce: Gal Beckerman’s Success, Jerusalem Tweets, Israeli Writers On Facebook, Beinart, And More

In the news today: An Israeli writer gets published on Facebook, why not to mess with Michael Chabon, NYT Jerusalem writer told to stop tweeting, and much more.

Daily Jewce: Schindler’s Shower Scene, Jewish Amsterdam, Beckerman Wins, Hasidic Mother-In-Laws, And More

In the news today: getting naked for Speilberg’s Schindler, Jewish Amsterdam, Gal Beckerman wins huge, and much more.

Chabon On The Screen

Michael Chabon may finally score a hit as a screenwriter for Disney’s new sci-fi flick John Carter. But will success in Hollywood ruin his fiction?