Daily Jewce: Joan Rivers Gets Stoned, Homophobic Threats, Return To Crown Heights, Dylan In ’69, And More

In the news today: Joan RIvers gets stoned, The Jewish Press receives threats, Matthew Shaer goes back to Crown Heights, and much more.

Daily Jewce: Romney’s Kosher Veto, Drake Raps For Puckheads, Bloomsbury Rabbi, And More

In the news today: Newt says Romeny stole kosher food, birth control and The Pill aren’t the same thing, Drake raps at an all-star game, and much more.

Daily Jewce: Florida Jews, Kosher Nosh For Mormons, Jonah Hill’s Sign, Newt’s Jewish Buddy, And More

In the news today: Jewish life in a Chinese ghetto, Utah gets a kosher restaurant, Jonah Hill get a sign,

Books About The Old Country

In the event that our Weekly Yiderati didn’t strike your literary fancy, we found another list that might do the trick.

The Weekly Yiderati: Welcome To Award Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…if you’re into book awards and new Leonard Cohen albums.

Get Off The Anti-Semitic Tip

Note to some of my fellow progressives: If we can’t argue about Israel without using anti-Semitic tropes, then the debate is lost before it even begins.

Daily Jewce: Iran’s Bluff, Douglas Rushkoff, The Jewish Ghostbuster, Religious Israelis, And More

In the news today: Douglas Rushkoff writing fiction, Jews in Israel getting more religious, Harold Ramis, and much more.

Your Boca Bubbe Could Swing

The Florida Jewish vote can be crucial yet again.