Daily Jewce: J Street U In Berkeley, Fake Hitler Diaries, Beasties To The Hall, And More

In the news today: Hillary Clinton gets called out by a rabbi, J Street U not accepted at Berkeley, the Beastie Boys make us all feel old, and much more.

Daily Jewce: Ambassador’s Comments, Jailhouse Bar Mitzvah Gift Fallout, Red Kermit, Jerusalem Bus Ads, And More

In the news today: The fallout from an American ambassador’s comments, a rabbis is fined, Fox thinks the Muppets are commies, women return to bus ads in Jerusalem, and more.

Walt Whitman Meets The Torah

When he left the world of observance, a young San Franciscan took with him the trops for chanting Torah and applied them to the works of Walt Whitman

Daily Jewce: Greatest Jewish Films, Tel Aviv’s Peaceful Fashion Show, Hasidic Murderer In “New York,” And More

In the news today: The right of women in Israel, fashion shows in Tel Aviv, killers in Hasidic Brooklyn, greatest Jewish films, and much more.

Daily Jewce: No Ron Paul At The Jewish Debate, Reaction To Israeli Ads, Philip Glass At OWS, And More

In the news today: Republican Jews don’t want Ron Paul at their debate, a married couple reacts to Israel commercials, Haredi gangs are being rounded up, and more.

Chanukah Comedy Night

Admission is $10 (optional donations of $36) Free beer courtesy of Sixpoint. All the ticket…

Daily Jewce: Say No To Marrying US Jews, Jewish Beards Against The US Army, Judy Blume, And Much More

In the news today: Abe Foxman on Israel’s democracy being under assault, Judy Blume, a Hasid wants to keep his beard for the Army, Woody and Bette eat birthday cake, and more.

Daily Jewce: Twain And The Jews, Tel Aviv Fashion Week, Iceland Hearts Palestine, And More

In the news today: Haredi rabbis trying to block acceptance of gays, Mark Twain’s birthday, Fashion Week in Tel Aviv, Iceland and Palestine become allies, and more.