Daily Jewce: Buh Bye 3rd Intifada Facebook Page, Syrian Leaders “Looking Into” Change, And More

In the news today: the 3rd Intifada Facebook page is no more, an apology in Britain, Syran stalling techniques, Mark Zuckerberg’s dad supports his son, and more.

The Absurdity Of The BDS Day Protests And Counter-Protests

How much good does protest do when it borders on parody?

Girls In Trouble

Girls In Trouble will be playing songs from Half You Half Me, the second album…

Girls In Trouble

Girls In Trouble will be playing songs from Half You Half Me, the second album…

Girls In Trouble

Girls In Trouble will be playing songs from Half You Half Me, the second album…

Girls In Trouble

Girls In Trouble will be playing songs from Half You Half Me, the second album…

Girls In Trouble

Girls In Trouble will be playing songs from Half You Half Me, the second album…

Girls In Trouble

Girls In Trouble will be playing songs from Half You Half Me, the second album…