Daily Jewce: West Bank Murders, Einstein’s Birthday, Purim Drinking Guide, Eichmann Trial, And More

In the news: after the murder of a young Jewish family in the West Band settlements, different reactions; the birthday of a great Jew, Purim drinking guide, old Russia and more.


Former, house choreographer for the venerable Batsheva Dance Company, Barak Marshall is one of Israeli…

Daily Jewce: New Israeli Left, Poland Celebrates Jewish Condom Maker, Neshama Carlebach, Marc Maron And More

In the news today: Poland celebrates a famous condom-making Jew, the new Israeli left, Neshama Carlebach tries to go mainstream, and more.

Daily Jewce: Eva Braun In Blackface, Homegrown Terrorists, Jerusalem Snowmen, Maira Kalman And More

In the news today: Pictures of Eva Braun in blackface, homegrown Muslim terrorists, Maira Kalman talks to The Forward and much more.

Purim Tea Party

Back to the Bible for Family Values of the Future! Purim Tea Party 2011 features…

Purim Justice Carnival

What happens in Shushan stays in Shushan IKAR’s best party of the year — a…

Purim Justice Carnival

What happens in Shushan stays in Shushan IKAR’s best party of the year — a…

Travel to Ghana with AJWS

American Jewish World Service’s Global Circle program is run by and for Jewish young professionals…