Seth Rogen Thinks Justin Bieber is a Piece of Shit

The actor tweets about the young pop star’s run in with the law

Hasidic Stores in Williamsburg Reach an Agreement on Dress Codes

NYC drops lawsuit on Hasidic stores asking customers to dress modestly

Howard Stern’s Billboard Q&A

The radio comedian continues his rule on satellite radio

Drake’s SNL Bar Mitzvah Sketch

Mazel tov to the champagne papi

Lena Dunham Responds to ‘Vogue’ Photo Drama

You tell ’em Lena

Jezebel Releases Lena Dunham’s Doctored ‘Vogue’ Photos

Can we give the girl a break?

Louis C.K. and Zach Galifianakis Are Writing a Show Together

Best news you’ve heard all day?