In the news today: Nabokov’s Jewish BFF, Jack Black’s new web series, and more
The ‘Homeland’ star can’t contain his excitement when his interview co-host’s wife goes into labor
In the news today: Mandy Patinkin is the new Derek Jeter, post-Hanukkah potato ideas, and more
In the news today: Jewish animated Christmas specials, Joan Rivers’ unsolicited advice, and more
“The way to a woman’s heart is never through a mandatory vaginal ultrasound,” the comedian says
In the news today: That Judd Apatow tribute art show, a recipe for marshmallow dreidels, and more
In the news today: Woody Allen’s best of 2012, Bulletproof Stockings and Punk Jews, and more
Technion Israel outdoes us all with their high-tech Hanukkiah