John McCain Was Confused, Frustrated By a Shabbat Elevator in Israel

And other gems from Joe Lieberman’s New York Times Magazine Interview

David Mamet Tells Jews to Vote Romney, ‘Girls’ Fans Everywhere Cringe

What would Shoshanna, the ‘Girls’ character played by Mamet’s daughter Zosia, say?

Daily Jewce: Hurricane Sandy the Matchmaker, R.L. Stine Drinks Ginger Ale

In the news today: Israeli study says attractiveness equals social conformity, Jake Gyllenhaal seeing Red, and more

Daily Jewce: Barbra’s Voting for Obama, Mitch Albom’s Moves Like Jagger

In the news today: Mr. Burns endorses Romney, Marissa Jarret Winokur’s new look, “The Vienna Rite,” and more

New Girl’s Max Greenfield Guest-Editing Gwyneth Paltrow’s Blog Goop Again

Real-life Schmidt really out-did himself this time

Can Sarah Silverman and Samuel L. Jackson Get Obama Reelected?

A Jewish Super PAC is counting on it

Daily Jewce: Amy Winehouse’s Wedding Dress Stolen, Elijah Wood’s ‘Cooties’

In the news today: Noah’s Ark replica not as sturdy as the original, the Jews of Cuyahoga County, and more

Deported Rapper Shyne Debates Alan Dershowitz About U.S. Election

Shyne, who can’t vote in an American election, is a Romney guy