Religion & Beliefs

Parades, Willow Fights and Leviathan for Dinner: How to Rock Hoshana Raba, Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah

Today is Hoshana Raba, the last day of sukkot. During davening this morning we parade…

Embrace the Treyf

There is almost nothing that makes me as happy as Jewess. They’ve got a whole…

18 Jewish Dating Sites to Try If You Are So Totally Over JDate

A friend and fellow blogger (I realize I have no shame linking to her like…

Good Fences Make Loud Neighbors

I grew up davening in a minyan without a mechitza, and I pretty much didn’t…

Pinky Swear

It's October 1st, which marks the start of Breast Cancer Awareness month. It's a big…

Creating a Sustainable Jewish Ecology

In December, 2004 Adam Werbach, a young Jew committed to tikkun olam, gave a stirring…

Around The MOT World In, eh, A Couple of Minutes

Rabbi Avraham Shapira (Z"L) has died in Jerusalem and was buried at Mount of Olives.…

In Case You’ve Forgotten…

If you love this time of year (and accompanying holidays) as much as I do,…