Tamar Fox

Tamar Fox has an MFA from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, but she still doesn't like sweet tea. Born and raised in Chicago, she's also lived in Iowa City, Dublin, Oxford, and Jerusalem. When she's not rocking out at honky tonks she teaches text study, cooks elaborate meals, and volunteers for a hospice. When she grows up she wants to be a professional whiskey taster.

405 Articles Published | Follow:
Africans In Israel: Immigration Issue or Human Rights Disaster?

At Slate, Emily Bazelon recently explored the rarely-discussed issue of African immigrants in Israel, noting…

Eight Underappreciated Tourist Gems in Israel

Whether you're contemplating your first or fifteenth trip to Israel, the following destinations are unique,…

Are Messianic Jews Jewish Enough For a Bible Competition?

An international youth Bible quiz is held annually in Israel, and the competition is fierce.…

Jewish Mythbusters: Yom HaShoah is Exclusive to Jews

On Holocaust Remembrance Day we tend to focus on the six million Jews who died…

12 Books and Films That Put a Different Spin on the Holocaust

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, and if you’re like most of us, you’ve already seen…

Santa Claus, Enemy of the Jews

I know it’s almost May, and Christmas isn’t exactly around the corner, but I’d just…

From Neo-Nazi to Kosher Connoisseur?

A former neo-Nazi in Missouri has won a case requesting kosher food in prison. Prison…

Jews in the News, a Weekly Roundup

In one last round of Passover-related news, a 27-year-old yeshiva student in Israel went into…