
Amy Guth is the author of Three Fallen Women, which she is perpetually schlepping around to pimp out. Between travels, she's hard at work on her next novels and is the woman with the pink-stripey hair usually starting up the horah at MOT get-togethers. Keeping true to her stick-it-to-the-man Hebrew namesake (Shifreh), she has written about feminism, sexism, tikkun olam, tzedekah, blaxploitation, social reform, media literacy and all sorts of other things for The Believer, Monkeybicycle, Bookslut, Hungry Chicago, Four Magazine,, and The Complete Meal, among others. She blogs Bigmouth indeed Strikes Again about everything, Granola Bar D'var about Jewy eco-kasher goodness, and a few other blogs here and there, has collaborated on a few shows within Second City's Training Center and is an assistant fiction editor at 42 Opus. The select few remember the days when she dabbled in improv, as well, including the night she was the "Kill Whitey" crayon. Stalk her silly at

97 Articles Published | Follow:
Halloween: Tis Better To Give?

There's a lot of talk about whether or not we, as Jews, should be celebrating…

Chesed, Awe, Surprises and Parsha Alignment

I am always amazed when a something in life matches up so perfectly with a…

Tzedakah We Love Monday: Hazon

We talk a lot about tzedakah, naturally, and usually give links of places where you…

Mitzvah of The Week: Shabbes

It's almost Shabbes. My house is clean, my dinner is ready, my cat and I…

On The Nightstand Thursdays: Jewish Origami

I can almost guarantee this is totally not the sort of thing darling Jewcy had…

Hang On, This Is Really Important

San Diego Jews could use a hand. As the wildfires burn in Southern California, hundreds…

Just a Reminder: We Are All Over The Place and Do Not All Look Alike

Smooth move, Halle Berry. Whatevs. Not the end of the world. It was a dumb…

Tzedakah We Love Monday: Parsha Vayeira

I've mentioned a time or two here before that I like to match my tzedakah…