Bostonian by birth, Israeli by choice, soon to be graduate of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, writer, blogger, aspiring novelist, student of Jewish and Israeli history and Assistant Editor of Azure.
My friend Michael Totten, who is a much braver man than I, has been posting…
The recent death of Michaelangelo Antonioni has occasioned a fascinating letter to Roger Ebert, alleging…
An interesting commentary in todays Yediot by Roni Shaked claims that the Palestinians have begun…
Moshe Feiglin, interviewed here at YNet, is a rightwing activist working hard to bring theocracy…
As with all things pop cultural in Israel, the Sopranos has recently come to an…
Israel's Channel 8, which regularly foists documentaries and educational programs of varying quality upon us,…
The New York Times Magazine’s recent profile of Tzipi Livni is too lengthy to be…
Today’s Yediot Acharanot contains a lengthy article (thus far unposted and untranslated on the web)…