BG is a professional blogger whose work has appeared on numerous sites from Rotten Tomatoes to PopMatters. She loves film, TV (yes "the boob tube"), and music and has critiqued on all three. In 2004, she published a book with Penguin on the hit reality TV show "The Apprentice". She realizes that was four years ago already and we live in fast times. 

Her writing has also appeared in The Boston Globe and The Jerusalem Post. She writing can presently be found over at Jewlicious,'s blog, and an anonymous blog which will one day make her famous and supports her long-term goal of world domination of the blogosphere.

392 Articles Published | Follow:
The French Can Be Just As Contemptible As The Jews

Former French Prime Minister Raymond Barre has come out with another gem of an anti-semitic…

Shvitz Spritz: Keeping The Faith

Madonna isn't Esther. At least, according to the Catholics who think her hubby needs a…

The World Is Full Of Terror

Israel's entry in this year's Eurovision, Push The Button, transcends cultural and language barriers, for…

Semantics Aside, A Foodie Is Still A Snob

Bored last night and unable to sleep as I sat awake listening to my stomach…

If Steven Spielberg Is Ever Dry On Material…

I received a question a few days ago about the production of matzos on the…

Welcome To Lodz Poland: Population Anti-Semite

The Jewish Theater of New York's season debut, "Last Jew in Europe" opened yesterday. The…

All That Leaves Us Behind

I recognize I'm the light and fluffy Culturista at Jewcy.Com and no Faitherhacker, but a…

Friday’s Hit Me With Your Best Caption Contest: Take Two

Due to the overwhelming success of our first Caption Contest a few weeks back, we…