Daniel Koffler is a Clarendon Scholar and graduate student in philosophy at the University of Oxford.
The Republicans are having a seminar-room style debate in New Hampshire, and they've just concluded…
It won't come to readers as a particular surprise that Barack Obama is my candidate…
So, Obama and Huckabee have won the Iowa Caucuses. Here's how Intrade is reacting in…
A few minutes ago, on PBS's newshour, I heard Michael Beschloss* glorifying the Iowa caucuses…
Since so much of a presidential election, especially its primary phase, consists largely in bickering…
Reductio creep, "the process by which an insane extension of some principle, offered as a…
Radley Balko points to a story of the RIAA suing a man for ripping his…
Roger Kimball: Bernard-Henri Levy’s intervention is the most appalling piece of sentimentalizing rubbish since irresponsible…