Dave Moss
Dave Moss is the director of development and operations at the National Youth Rights Association. He is a member of the Grand Street Network, a group of 18-28 year olds who are in a position of responsibility with their family's philanthropy. He is also involved with the Slingshot Fund, which makes over $350,000 in grants each year to innovative Jewish organizations with funds raised by young wealth holders. This year, as a testament to his high levels of engagement across sectors, Moss was was recognized by the White House as they convened their first ever Conference on Next Generation Leadership. Prior to joining NYRA, Dave was the Development Associate at The SEED Foundation in Washington, DC. He has also worked a fundraiser with Conservation International, The Greenwood School and Progressive Majority. He serves on the board of advisors for Interfaithfamily.com, the development committee for love.futbol and as vice-chair of the production committee for Becoming Calvin. Dave celebrated his one year anniversary with NYRA on October 13, 2010.