
David Silverman is the author of Typo: The Last American Typesetter or How I Made and Lost $4 Million.

His other achievements include captain of his college computer programming team and high school chess team, and, if prodded only slightly, he will drive you to my sister’s house to find the trophies that he knows must be up there somewhere.

15 Articles Published | Follow:
More Lost In Translation

Pom Pom Hat: That's one happy hat.Me: Ich schaufensterbummelmache. German person: Collapses on floor in…

Franklin Dictionary Plans Global Thermonuclear War

The Franklin BDS-1860: The Dictionary of the Beast I am not making this up. For…

German Lessons

Fruit: In German a little squeeze can turn Gretel into Hansel As part of my…

Germans and Me

German Cockroach: Mine didn't have the pin in it. Does that mean it was going…

More Ham

Homer: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Lisa, honey, are saying you're…

My Father’s Questionable Diet

My late father had been raised in an orthodox house, but his favorite foods, which…

Death in the Estranged Family

I’m supposed to be promoting my book, Typo: The Last American Typesetter or How I…