
David Silverman is the author of Typo: The Last American Typesetter or How I Made and Lost $4 Million.

His other achievements include captain of his college computer programming team and high school chess team, and, if prodded only slightly, he will drive you to my sister’s house to find the trophies that he knows must be up there somewhere.

15 Articles Published | Follow:
The Secret Is A Male Cow

Long ago, far away, I bought a typesetting company in Iowa with my mentor and…

Persia or Iran?

Persia: Not Ahmadinejad's IranMy girlfriend is Persian, which is a nice way of saying "Iranian"…

East Meets East

I've recently moved in with my girlfriend. She's Persian. I am not. She likes oriental…

Home Improvement Maims Several

Actual bag of bolts from fan kit: I kept everything as required for "preparedness." So…

Much To Do

An Allergy Free Cat: Is a Happy Cat Here's some of the things I have…

And Johnny, I’d Like to Plug My Book

Johnny Carson: As if you didn't know.I remember as a child watching Carson propping up…

Out of Germany

My Mother's Art: My mother was an artitst. Johanna Liebman remarked that it showed none…

Postcards From My Mother’s Holocaust

Watching Ken Burns' documentary on the War, I note that it's been ten years since…