Jason Diamond

I'm the former editor-in-chief of this hot dog stand

454 Articles Published | Follow:
The Best Writers are the Underrated Ones

Stephen Elliott, Deborah Eisenberg, and Sam Lipsyte are among a handful of other names we…

Levi’s “Workers” Campaign Brings Out the Paranoid Jew in Me

Every day as I make my way into the Jewcy office, I’m greeted by this…

The Media Savvy Man of G-D

"I can’t give you a sound bite" on the name change, Rabbi Ponet said Tuesday,…

The Shame of a Silver Jew

Anybody who has seen the fantastic documentary on David Berman’s journey (and spirtual awakening) to…

I Forgive the Germans: A Jew’s Primer to Krautrock and Beyond

I’m sure you could surf the internet and find several books, papers, essays, etc. on…

Reviewed: “Everything is Going to be Great” by Rachel Shukert

Harper Perennial 309 Pages The 21st Century has been good to women that write books…

The Opinionated Jewish Man: The Ground Zero Mosque

Today, the ADL issued their statement on the proposed "Ground Zero Mosque," and did a…

Sticking up for Adam Duritz of The Counting Crows on His Birthday

I really hope when the history books on the decade I came of age in…