A global strategy consulting firm conducted a study on the impact of Israeli businesses and innovation on the Massachusetts economy — only to find out that New York is one of the three top markets in the U.S. for Israeli innovation.
Today in Jewcy news: We think Jon Stewart is going to box our favorite MSNBC pundit, cantorial music in the Old Country, take a quiz about a kooky religion, and more.
Today in the news: Media Matters takes a close look at Glenn Beck’s special on George Soros, Michelle Obama shakes the hand of a Muslim man, Shyne thinks sweet rides are covered in the Talmud and more.
Today’s piece of hilarious junk e-mail comes from a company who makes Christian video games. Because there is nothing a Jew cares more about than Christian video games.
Joe Biden pays a visit to one of the largest gatherings of Jews in North America, the life and times of Michael Bloomberg, Josh Ozersky takes a tour of a Jewish nabe and more in our daily news roundup.
Our daily news roundup includes stories on “The Rahmfather,” R. Crumb’s daughter coming into her own as an artist, New York City as the treyf capitol of the universe and much more.