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Premiere: Judd Apatow & Friends Working For AJWS

Judd Apatow gets Lindsay Lohan, Tracy Morgan, Professor X, the parrot from “Aladdin,” the guy from “Machete,” Jack Bauer, two Seinfeld stars, and Sarah Silverman to stick up for AJWS.

The Weekly Yiderati: William “Upski” Wimsatt, Melville House Turns Down Award, Myla Goldberg, David Rakoff and More

Our weekly roundup of literary news includes the indie press Melville House turning down an award, Jonathan Franzen hanging with Obama, Myla Goldberg’s new book, David Rakoff’s voice, and so much more.

Republican Jewish Coalition Attempt “Spooky” Video, But End Up Making Dick Pic.

The Republican Jewish Coalition continue their campaign against J Street by promising a “spooky” video that falls flat. Instead, they tickle the funny bones of our inner-14-year-old-boys by giving us a peen shot.

Daily Jewce: 50 Important Jews, Bar Mitzvah Batmobile, Jews and Guns, Darren Aronofsky and More

The Forward unveils their 50 most influential Jews, Jews talk guns, the Batmobile parks outside a Bar Mitzvah, and Darren Aronofsky channels Italian horror master Dario Argento.

The 2010 Election: Jews Get Out the Vote!

I was raised by an American History teacher for whom missing any election–even ones when no major national or statewide offices are at stake–is a grave sin against democracy.
via Repair The World

DIY: Fighting Homophobic Bullying

Here’s what we’ve learned about gay teen suicides: it takes a village to make them happen, and also to make them stop.
via Repair The World

RIP “Fiddler on the Roof” Author Joseph Stein

The author who wrote Fiddler on the Roof, has died at 98

Israel to Iran: Checkmate Bitches

Alik Gershon is our hero today, because not only did he reaffirm Jewish superiority at…