Jewcy Staff

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The Sunday Mazel: The Chuppah Rules

Tamar Schiffman and Jonathan Lechter, thank you for getting married for a number of reasons. …

‘Rent is Too Damn High’ Guy too Good to be True

For a few hours there, we thought that we had an antidote to the angry,…

One More Crazy Celebrity at the Kabbalah Center

From beating housekeepers to wearing blood diamonds, Naomi Campbell has proven time and time again…

Idiot Rabbi Gives Away the Big Secret About Jews Controlling Everything

Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef really screwed things up for the rest of us…

The Sunday Mazel: How do We top Kate Fridkis and Simon Berring?

Week after week we bring you our favorite wedding announcement from the Sunday New York…

Placing Bets on the Jewish Community Heroes Award

The voting closes for the Jewish Community Heroes award today, and Jewcy is laying down…

Natalie Portman may be the next Fight an “Alien”

First there was Alien, and then there was Aliens.  Those were good.  Then there was…

Your Grandma on the Upper West Side Might have Bedbugs….

Lincoln Center, the venerable Upper West Side institution, has bedbugs. According to the New York…