Jewcy Staff

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Watch Jewish Porn Star James Deen Order a Lot of Tacos at a Drive-Through

The guy loves burritos

‘Jewish Jocks’ Wins National Jewish Book Award

A home run for the anthology about Jewish sports figures famous and forgotten

Daily Jewce: Larry David Watches ‘Degrassi,’ Everyone Loves Brisket Again

Plus all the Jewish stuff on Etsy, texts from Shoshanna, and more

Daily Jewce: Zosia Mamet Got ‘Lewis and Clarked,’ Andy Samberg’s New Gig

Plus kosher food for Florida inmates, Mandy Patinkin’s Golden Globe shout out, and more

Daily Jewce: Drake’s Jewish Crush, Facebook Messaging Mark Zuckerberg

In the news today: Patti Stanger’s favorite restaurants, Leo and Jonah Hill’s bromance, and more

Daily Jewce: Jerry Seinfeld’s Ugly Sneakers, Rachel Weisz’s First Oscar

In the news today: crowd-sourcing Jewish words, another look at Nick Kroll’s new show, and more

Daily Jewce: Mila Kunis’ Russian Cooking, Apatow and Baldwin Kibbitz

In the news today: Jeff Garlin’s new podcast, Man Repeller gets recognized, and more

Meet New Jersey’s Jewish Basketball God

He’s helped basketball stars like Kyrie Irving and Al Harrington get to the NBA