This week on TAL, another grand slam of an episode , but first a word on Howard Stern.
Lucky for us, Ira Glass, in his infinite wisdom, and his undying belief in the power of love, can act as a surrogate valentine for all the lovely listeners in NPR and Jewcy land. Kisses.
For some reason, Jews have yet to be formally included in the Magic Minority archetype.
After two weeks of kicking ass, Ira takes a little break.
Israel is not a nation known internationally for their filmmaking, and certainly not here in the United States. That may all be changing very soon.
This week on the “You Reap What You Sow” episode of This American Life was perhaps the most startling series of revelations since a couple of weeks ago when we found out that Apple was kind of evil.
Ira and Planet Money break down a really big financial mess like only they can.
Phil Ochs finally gets treated like a Master.