Josh Strawn is the lead singer of Blacklist as well as a signatory and vocal advocate of the Euston Manifesto.
Despite the gracious and fraternal tone of A.B. Yehoshua’s letter to Gideon Levy in Haaretz,…
Jeff Goldberg’s insightful-as-usual op-ed the New York Times, while filled with informative anecdotal nuggets aplenty,…
"WE ARE HAMAS," said protestors in London on January 3rd. Welcome to 2009, and to…
It’s interesting to think that, as the balance reports are being drawn up on multiple…
Cal Thomas at the Washington Times has delved into the illustrious pages of to…
One of the most attractive things about the right in recent years has been its…
Poring over the current commentary on William Ayers is a bit like looking at every…
Since I'm a speciesist animal lover, I find most of PETA's philosophies about animal rights…