Lilit Marcus

I used to work here.

Also, it's pronounced "Lil-leet."

89 Articles Published | Follow:
A History of My Jewish Identity Viewed Through Men I’ve Dated

Nihilist Guy, 1997. "I don’t really get why you care about this so much." He…

Let the Oscar Games Begin

The 2009 Academy Award nominations were announced this morning. While there were a couple of…

LimmudNY Followup: Dude, Where’s My Stuff?

As you may have heard, I had a really disappointing time at the LimmudNY conference…

Lilit Marcus, Shiksa Menace 3.0

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post on Jewcy about my Jewish identity –…

Jewcy Blogger Roundup: Advice for Obama

I’m not sure if you guys heard, but we’re getting a new President tomorrow, and…

LimmudNY: The Recap That Didn’t Happen

It’s Monday, January 19, 2009. Right now, I should be on a bus on my…

Obama Gear

This season you don’t want to miss out on all the Barack Obama tchotchkes that…

Baby Hitler Taken Away from Parents

Remember little Adolf Hitler Campbell, the toddler whose parents sued a local store for refusing…