Linda Grant
Linda Grant was born in Liverpool on 15 February 1951, the child of Russian and Polish Jewish immigrants. From 1995 to 2000 she was a feature writer for the Guardian. She is the award-winning author of several books, including Sexing the Millennium: A Political History of the Sexual Revolution (1993), The Cast Iron Shore (1996), Remind Me Who I am Again (1998). Her second novel, When I Lived in Modern Times, set in Tel Aviv in the last years of the British Mandate, published in March 2000, won the Orange Prize for Fiction and was shortlisted for the Jewish Quarterly Prize and the Encore Prize. Her novel, Still Here, published in 2002, was longlisted for the Booker Prize. Her non-fiction work, The People On The Street: A Writer's View of Israel, published in 2006, won the Lettre Ulysses Prize for Literary Reportage. Most recently, her novel The Clothes On Their Backs (published February 2008) was shortlisted for the Man-Booker prize. She has also contributed to various collections of essays. She lives in North London.