Martin S. Cohen
Mt. Sinai Hospital, P.S. 3, P.S. 196, Halsey JHS, Forest Hills HS, Forest Hills JC (sort of), France, Israel, JTS, Joan, Heidelberg, Richmond (British Columbia, not VA), the O.C., Roslyn, Ben Simon Press, Coteau Books, Ekstasis, Moonstone, Aviv, Tzur Yisrael (, Zot Nechamati, Sefer Ha'ikarim, Marvin Kalish, Light from Dead Stars, Sword of Goliath, Heads You Lose, "Death Has Beckoned", piano, Schubert, Psalms, Mishnah, Rambam, Shelter Rock Rock Rock, Gad Tedesco Street (Jerusalem), Conservative Judaism (the quarterly journal), Joan, Max, Emil, Lucy, teshuva, tefilla, tzedaka....