Meryl Yourish

Meryl Yourish is a blogger living in Richmond, VA, after spending most of her life in northeastern NJ. She writes about Israel and Jewish issues on, the blog she started in April of 2001 (pre-Instapundit days), and teaches fourth grade at her synagogue's religious school.

26 Articles Published | Follow:
Have You Seen This Man?

See the guy smirking at you over on the right? The one that looks like…

The Family That Bombs Together

First, the background: There was a law in Israel that granted citizenship to Palestinians from…

Watch the AP Spin

This is a regular feature of my blog, but Jewcy readers may not be familiar…

Hogan’s Heroes And The Holocaust

Something funny happened on the way to researching my last post. I discovered that two…

Hitler’s Not Funny In Germany

Germans aren't getting a big kick out of a new comedy that portrays Hitler as…

We Like The Moon!

Israelis are buying up property on the moon. Israelis own 10 percent of the privately…

My Yiddishe Bubbe

The mystery to me isn't that a doting grandson put a New Year's video of…

A Picture Is Worth How Many?

So if a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video of…