Michael Rosen

Write. Re-write. Re-type. Re-write. Re-type. Re-write. Re-type. Fill the innertubes because a new day has come. Write some more. Talk with the kids. Start over.

5 Articles Published | Follow:
When a Jewish Author Reaches Out to the Christians

When I was finishing my book What Else But Home: Seven Boys and an American…

Why Are You And I Afraid Of My Sons?

I was once an anthropologist. Or trained that way.  Since, I’ve raised a family first…

Are You Willing to Send Your Children to Die?

Two of my sons ran off and joined the Navy.  They exhibited this acute rationality…

Love Is Free: Thoughts on Raising Seven Adopted Sons

I’m an accountant’s son.  For supper on Wednesday nights, in Gloversville, New York (I say…

My Day as a White Guy in Prison

Michael Rosen is the author of What Else But Home: Seven Boys and an American…