Michael is an editor of Nextbook and a contributing editor of Jewcy. His work has appeared in Slate, Gawker, New York, Democratiya, Reason, The New Criterion, The Weekly Standard, City Journal and Standpoint. His blog is Snarksmith.
Here's a petition that asks Mahoud Ahadminejad to release this brave Iranian whose actions aim…
What a carnival it has been seeing the liberal-left react to the ungenerous reviews of…
Benazir Bhutto may have been an incompetent and corrupt prime minister, but her ill-greeted return…
Joey Bishop's dead. Reviewers often claimed that Bishop played a minor role, but Sinatra knew…
What Jeffrey Hart hath wrought: Having long since shed his conservatism, now Mr. Gessen and…
In all the reports and essays being written on the supposed imminence of a U.S.…
Mr Eugenides emails in the following announcement: Daniel Lubetzky, President of the PeaceWorks Foundation that…
Background here. Dear Grandmother, I heard from a mutual friend that you woke up the…