Michael is an editor of Nextbook and a contributing editor of Jewcy. His work has appeared in Slate, Gawker, New York, Democratiya, Reason, The New Criterion, The Weekly Standard, City Journal and Standpoint. His blog is Snarksmith.
Sen. Obama has so far been the only candidate to offer a serious presidential playbook…
Here's the definition of bad diplomacy: One country tells another country to defer a national…
It only took 100 days and her mother's apartment as bail. I can't wait to…
Two things to make you cry: Watching a dog shiver in the rain, watching an…
In his memoir A Margin of Hope, the great Irving Howe named two key influences…
Well, I mean to say, really. When I solicited satiric obituaries on the political life…
I like to partake of a little mental scrimmage called "What Will Hendrick Hertzberg Write?"…
Darkness. Light … harm/evil … challenge … enemy … defeat and destroy. Eyes open ……