Michael is an editor of Nextbook and a contributing editor of Jewcy. His work has appeared in Slate, Gawker, New York, Democratiya, Reason, The New Criterion, The Weekly Standard, City Journal and Standpoint. His blog is Snarksmith.
Readers mailed in their questions to the Israeli historian at the J-Post. The best of…
The look on the stupid, spoiled slag's face beats Banksy with a tire iron.
Israeli children play atop a destroyed Syrian tank during the Six Day War. Courtesy of…
To mark the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War, the Tel Aviv Cinemateque is…
The good will of "New Europe" is no more, thanks to the bumbling of President…
"My message will be Vladimir – I call him Vladimir – that you shouldn't fear…
One thing we can credit Ivan the Terrible with is candor. When his dissident political…
The best thing that could happen to evangelical Christianity — not to mention orthodox Judaism…