Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin
Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin is the General Consultant for COEJL and Director of the Baltimore Jewish Environmental Network (BJEN) at the Pearlstone Conference and Retreat Center, which is dedicated to promoting environmental advocacy, ethics and behavior. She is immediate past Director of Jewish Life at the JCC of Greater Baltimore. Ordained in 1988 from the Jewish Theological Seminary, she served that institution in several capacities including special assistant to the Chancellor, Assistant Dean of the Rabbinical School, as well as two years as Visiting Lecturer in Theology. Currently, she serves on the Chancellor’s Rabbinic Advisory Council. In 1978, Rabbi Cardin co-founded the Jewish Women’s Resource Center, which is now part of the National Council of Jewish Women-NY Section. Rabbi Cardin also co-founded the National Center for Jewish Healing, and the New York Jewish Healing Center in the mid-1990’s. Rabbi Cardin serves on the Boards of Chana, a Jewish organization that assists the victims of domestic violence, Hillel of Towson University, the Jewish Museum of Maryland, the Irvine Nature Center and the Foundation for Spirituality and Medicine. For five years, Rabbi Cardin was the editor of Sh’ma: a journal of Jewish responsibility. She is the author of A Tapestry of Jewish Time: a spiritual guide to the holidays and lifecycles, and Tears of Sorrow, Seeds of Hope: a spiritual companion to infertility and pregnancy loss among other books, writings and articles.