Tamar Fox

Tamar Fox has an MFA from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, but she still doesn't like sweet tea. Born and raised in Chicago, she's also lived in Iowa City, Dublin, Oxford, and Jerusalem. When she's not rocking out at honky tonks she teaches text study, cooks elaborate meals, and volunteers for a hospice. When she grows up she wants to be a professional whiskey taster.

405 Articles Published | Follow:
Sudanese Refugees in Israel Granted Temporary Residency

A while back we told you about the plight of Sudanese refugees who had arrived…

Upgrading God: Americans Big on Conversion

According to a recent survey of over 35,000 Americans, more than a quarter of adults…

Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect 200 Shekels

Jewschool recently tipped us off to a Yiddish version of Monopoly that can be purchased…

No Such Thing As Pluralism

Pluralism is one of the buzz words in the Jewish community these days, and usually…

Rabbis To Women: Work Those Ovaries!

There has been a lot of talk recently about women in the Jewish community feeling…

How To: Explain Shabbat to a Non-Jew

Living in Iowa, Dublin and Nashville, I have had plenty of explanatory conversations about Shabbat.…

Jamie Oliver Is Not In Training to Be A Shochet

Last week I wrote a post about an email I’d gotten warning that Naked Chef…

Jewish Mythbusters: Elders of Zion

The Myth: Someone has published the minutes from a meeting of a bunch of Jewish…