Tomasz Kitlinski
Tomasz Kitlinski did his M. Phil. at University of Paris 7, directed by Julia Kristeva, and is a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie University, Lublin, Poland.
With his partner, Kitlinski participated in Poland’s queer visibility campaign Let Us Be Seen, which he described in his contribution to Men Speak Out. Views on Gender, Sex, and Power, edited by Shira Tarrant, Routledge 2008.
He has published two Polish-language books, The Stranger Is Within Us. To Love according to Julia Kristeva and Love and Democracy: Reflections on the Homosexual Question in Poland, Aureus, Cracow 2005 (co-authored with Pawel Leszkowicz and with an extensive English summary).
Kitlinski has contributed to The Advocate, Art in America, Bad Subjects, Dos yiddishe wort, Shterndlech/Meryba, Feminoteka,, Interalia, and Tageszeitung. With Joe Lockard, he co-authored 'Sex Slavery and Queer Resistance in Eastern Europe' in Out Here. Local and International Perspectives in Queer Studies, edited by Dominika Ferens, Tomasz Basiuk, Tomasz Sikora, Cambridge Scholars Press 2006 and ‘Monica Dreyfus’ in Our Monica. Ourselves. The Clinton Affair and the National Interest, edited by Lauren Berlant and Lisa Duggan, New York University Press, 2001.
Other publications include: ‘The Polish Experimental Theatre of the Eighties: Polish or European’ in Le Théâtre et l'opéra sous le signe de l’Histoire, Klincksieck, Paris 1994; ‘Contemporary Polish Theatre: A Hamletesque “Body of Time”’ in Eastern European Theatre after the Iron Curtain, edited by Kalina Stefanova, Harwood Academic Publishers, London 2000; L’Interversion : Marina Ivanovna c’est moi in Marina Tsvetaeva de poète à poètes, sous la direction de Nadia Setti, Université Paris 8, Paris 2000; ‘Eastern Europe’s Tales of Terror’, in The 50th Venice Biennale. S&P Stanikas, Museo Fortuny, Venice 2003. Kitlinski’s essay ‘Auf den Spuren von Homotextualität und Jüdischem in der National-Textur von Juliusz S?owacki. Zum Anderssein eines polnischen Nationaldichters’ is in press in Nordostarchiv and ‘Of Beauty, Brain and Sacred Bodysouls: Sublimation, Mother-Daughter, and Tenderness according to Helen Chadwick’ is forthcoming in Becoming Helen Chadwick, edited by Griselda Pollock, Prestel.