Arts & Culture
A roving consignment shop run by two Australians helps its Orthodox Brooklyn clientele navigate the line between modesty and style.
Tablet picks a true Shivah Star.
Bambi’s dusting off the keyboard for a special treat. While Ira took a breather with a rerun, we caught up with the star of Act 1 of another episode, Right to Remain Silent, Joe Lipari, whose short starring Dave Hill is making its rounds on the film fest circuit this year.
There are shows one watches because he or she likes them and there are shows they don’t because they don’t. Also, there are shows, usually of the reality persuasion, that a person might watch because they loathe it and hate-watching is one of our times’ great cultural revelations.
Old Ideas, means a new Leonard Cohen album.
Lost in the bubbling hubbub surrounding Community’s hiatus was the casualness of 30 Rock’s 8:00pm placement.
Shit Jews say about Tim Tebow
Catch two masters of their respected crafts in a rare public discussion together.