The Most Jewish Episodes Of Julie Klausner’s How Was Your Week Podcast

We talk to Julie about the most Jewish episodes of her wonderful weekly podcast.

This American Life Ira Glass Man-Fatuation Post: Back To Penn State

It’s the trip Ira Glass and Co. probably never wanted to take again.

The Unkillable Kosher Butcher Of Boardwalk Empire

Here’s one thing I keep noticing on episode after episode of Boardwalk Empire: behind nearly every great criminal act, there is a great Jewish mind helping out.

Shtickball: How The 4skins Came To Dominate The Zog Universe

A story of Jewish domination on the basketball court.

Jews Watching TV: The Office – Farce v. Realism

The Office gets the piechart treatment.

In Defense Of Adam Sandler

After his latest film gets trounced by critics, we come to Adam Sandler’s rescue.

Saul Bass Forever.

Using the title sequences of some of Hollywood’s finest as his canvas, Sul Bass managed to revolutionize graphic design in introducing the fourth dimension of time.

This American Life Ira Glass Man-Fatuation Post: So Crazy It Just Might Work

Have you ever tried something that you thought was just so crazy that it just might work? Ira and friends talk about it this week.