The Last Of The Old Jewish Comedians: An Interview With Drew Friedman

We talk to artist Drew Friedman about his final installment of the Old Jewish Comedians series.

Shtickball Presents The Jewish Athlete Dictionary

This Yom Kippur, baseball-loving Jews across the country will look to the Brewers’ Ryan Braun and the Diamondbacks’ Paul Goldschmidt and wonder, “Will they Koufax?”

The Ira Glass Man-Fatuation Post: P.I Moms

This week’s episode of This American Life was one of those episodes that represents the brilliance of the program better than most.

Wanted: Pictures Of Your Shtetl Fabulous Great-Grandparents

We created a Tumblr called “My Jewish Grandparent Was Cool Before You Were or: Look At The Proto-Hipster Who Probably Ran From A Cossack,” and we’re looking for submissions.

Godforsaken Goys: Five Non-Jews Who Need Attonement For 5771

We offer five gentile a chance to repent before the Book of Life closes up for the year.

Shtickball: The Weekly Platter

This week Schtickball hops around to find you stories from the across wide world of sports. Off we go!

Jews Watching TV: Pilots, More Like Mild-Lots

How great is it that TV is back, you guys? Like super great, right? Right! I cried TWICE last night apropos of nothing—I just missed these silly guys.

Getting The Lo-Down On SovJews In Your Mailbox

This year’s Big Jewcy Lea Zeltserman continues to rock with a new newsletter connecting the stories of Soviet Jews.