The Ira Glass Infatuation Post/ This American Life Review: Parent Trap

Ira lets his friends do a lot of the work this week.

Jewcy Art: Rahm With Pancakes, Lox, And Bagels On His Head

Forget Mary toast, say hello to Dan Lacey’s Rahm paintings.

Jews Watching Big Love: Help Me Rhonda

Episode number 6 of the final season of Big Love aired last night under the title D.I.V.O.R.C.E and acronym-ization of the word “divorce” was only one of the many puzzling things that took place in last night’s episode.

Jews Watching TV: Liz Gets Lemony

For the NBC Thursday Line-up, there is definitely chaff in the midst of wheat, especially considering that none of the shows are especially well watched when compared to the Modern Familys and Glees of the world. So here is a preview of where the shows stand right now (from most bleak to the positively rosy)

Controlling The Media 101: AJ Vaynerchuck

Still in his early 20’s AJ Vaynerchuck has become a pioneer of social media-based marketing. As co-founder of Vaynermedia, AJ along with his brother, internet celebrity Gary Vaynerchuck, has managed to become a leader in a burgeoning industry by always staying one step ahead of a world that moves at light speed. Here’s how.

The Ira Glass Infatuation Post/ This American Life Review: Original Recipe

Coca Cola’s ongoing secrecy about their exact recipe has gone on for more years than there are gallons of sugar in a can of the stuff. However, in this very special act, Original Recipe, Ira goes Glasnost on their ass and gives the people what is theirs.

Jews Watching Big Love: I May Not Always Love You

There was no holding back this week in the world of colossal, capacious and commodious Mormon love.

I Love Crown Heights: How A Chabadnik Became the Neighborhood’s Maven of Literature

Penina Roth’s Franklin Park Monthly Reading Series is putting Crown Heights on the literary map.